Monday, May 28, 2018

{NEW!} Texas Sheet Cake, Grilled Pork Chops, Blueberry Margaritas, and MORE!

Latest recipes from Simply Recipes.

Happy Memorial Day! What are you making today?! Just in case you need some inspiration, here are some recipes from this past week that you might like! 


Emma, Managing Editor

P.S. Did you check out our YouTube channel last week?! 


Texas Sheet Cake

by Cindy Rahe

Texas Chocolate Sheet Cake

Have you ever had Texas Sheet Cake? It's made up of a thin layer of moist chocolate cake topped with a layer of warm, poured chocolate icing and sprinkled with pecans — an easy, unfussy cake to make for a crowd!


Citrus-Brined Grilled Pork Chops

by Nick Evans

Grilling Pork Chops

Boneless pork chops seem to be a popular grilling option during summer because they are always available and are easy to season and toss on a hot fire.

But they also tend to dry out quickly and are easy to overcook.

That's why I love this Citrus Brined Pork Chop recipe! The salty sweet brine keeps the pork chops really tender and moist, even if you do accidentally overcook them a few degrees.


Blueberry Pitcher Margaritas

by Garrett McCord

Margarita Recipe with Blueberries serve

I think we've all seen cocktails that get out of hand with creativity, and we’ve probably all encountered when a margarita gets a bit too crazy.

I’m thinking about margaritas made with wonky ingredients like bubblegum, fish sauce, or chocolate. I think the worst I ever saw was a dill-passionfruit flavored "margarita" where the tequila was swapped out for vodka.

Vodka! Can you imagine?!

9 Crowd-Pleasing Desserts for Your Memorial Day Party

by Carrie Havranek

Berry Tart

When it comes to warm weather desserts, there are a few very key considerations:

1. You don't want something that's going to get gooey or wilt in some way—it can be surprisingly warm on Memorial Day weekend!

2. You want something that's easily portable, so fancy things that are perishable, delicate or have elaborate toppings are probably out of the question, too.

3. All that, and it’s got to be delicious and eye-catching, too — right?!


Coconut Mint Chip Ice Cream

by Megan Gordon

Vegan Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

I have a soft spot in my heart for dairy-free ice cream—and not because I can't have dairy. My family and I eat our fair share of cheese, sour cream, and yes, real ice cream, too.

But I actually prefer ice cream made with coconut milk over ice cream made with eggs and dairy any day of the week. I love the flavor and natural sweetness of coconut milk, and think it really shines when made into ice cream.

If you've never made dairy-free ice cream before, you're in for a treat: it doesn't require much in the way of fancy ingredients.


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