Thursday, May 31, 2018

Roseanne Barr forced staffer to grill burgers in broiling heat, source claims

Roseanne Barr forced staffer to grill burgers in broiling heat, source claims

"She was paranoid that the executive producers were spying on her."

Roseanne Barr forced staffer to grill six burgers in broiling sun, source claims

Roseanne Barr forced staffer to grill six burgers in broiling sun, source claims

"She was paranoid that the executive producers were spying on her."

Spanish town believes Coca-Cola got secret syrup recipe from local distiller

Spanish town believes Coca-Cola got secret syrup recipe from local distiller

A small distillery near Valencia has claimed it invented the original "Kola-coca" recipe that became the world famous drink.

8 Simple & Satisfying Vegetarian Meals

8 Simple & Satisfying Vegetarian Dinners

8 Simple & Satisfying Vegetarian Dinners

What's for dinner? The question never stops being asked or needing to be answered!

If you're a vegetarian, or just really like eating that way (like I do), it can be especially easy to fall into the same defaults: breakfast-for-dinner, soup, pasta, tacos.

Many of the recipes in today’s line-up do align with those fallback meals – nothing wrong with what works! But these recipes are also creative and different enough to break you out of whatever rut you might be in, like Stacked Veggie Enchiladas, a simple Asparagus Frittata, and Veggie Tacos with Zucchini.

We've also thrown in a few additional vegetarian recipes that maybe you haven't thought of yet! I’m looking at you, Tomato Pie.

Vegetables add dimension and flavor to any recipe, so what's not to love? Let's get excited about veggies in our dinner tonight!

Click here to see all the recipes!

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'Serial crotch grazer': Mario Batali accused by 7 more women of sexual misconduct

'Serial crotch grazer': Mario Batali accused by 7 more women of sexual misconduct

Several more women have come forward to Eater with accusations against disgraced celebrity chef Mario Batali, many of whom were former fans.

New story in Health from Time: Working Out Is Hard. Streaming Just Might Make It Easier

Teenagers constantly think about food and what their next meals will be, study finds

Teenagers constantly think about food and what their next meals will be, study finds

Hungry American teenagers spend nearly 1,000 hours thinking about food throughout their teen years, according to new research.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Is cockroach milk the next non-dairy fad?

Is cockroach milk the next non-dairy fad?

This insect-based product is taking over the Internet. Here's what you need to know.

Coca-Cola launches first-ever alcoholic drink in Japan

Coca-Cola launches first-ever alcoholic drink in Japan

The beverage has finally made its highly anticipated debut.

New story in Health from Time: Reading Books and Playing Games May Help Prevent Dementia: Study

New story in Health from Time: President Trump Signs Bill to Allow Terminally-Ill Patients to Try Unproven Drugs

Paraplegic man says Domino's worker discriminated against him: 'It hurts, it hurts bad'

Paraplegic man says Domino's worker discriminated against him: 'It hurts, it hurts bad'

The employee has since been fired for the "utterly unacceptable" behavior.

New story in Health from Time: The American Cancer Society Just Changed Its Guidelines Around Colorectal Cancer Screenings

New Starbucks training manual promotes 'becoming color brave,' speaking to customers 'one human to one human'

New Starbucks training manual promotes 'becoming color brave,' speaking to customers 'one human to one human'

A 68-page guidebook and more than a dozen pre-recorded videos made up the majority of Starbucks’ hours-long training session on Tuesday.

Buffalo Wild Wings gives homeless man free wings for a year after staffer writes derogatory message on receipt

Buffalo Wild Wings gives homeless man free wings for a year after staffer writes derogatory message on receipt

The restaurant is making amends.

New story in Health from Time: Here’s What Scientists Do—And Don’t—Know About E-Cigarettes

New story in Health from Time: Tennessee Is Just the Latest State to Report a Hepatitis A Outbreak. Here’s What to Know

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Mom claims IHOP discriminated against her 3-year-old son who was born without arms

Mom claims IHOP discriminated against her 3-year-old son who was born without arms

An Arkansas woman claims the manager at an IHOP discriminated against her three-year-old son who was born without arms.

Not all Starbucks in US are closing: Where you can still get a Frappuccino on May 29

Not all Starbucks in US are closing: Where you can still get a Frappuccino on May 29

Coffee lovers will still be able to get their fix at the company’s licensed locations.

New story in Health from Time: The Best Way To Get Over a Breakup, According to Science

Dunkin Donuts trespasser who climbed in drive-thru window arrested

Dunkin Donuts trespasser who climbed in drive-thru window arrested

It remains unclear at this time if he stole anything from the coffee chain.

McDonald's customer arrested for taking golf cart to drive-thru while drunk

McDonald's customer arrested for taking golf cart to drive-thru while drunk

It is believed the stolen buggy was swiped from a nearby golf club.

Not all Starbucks in U.S. are closing: Where you can still get a Frappuccino on May 29

Not all Starbucks in U.S. are closing: Where you can still get a Frappuccino on May 29

Coffee-lovers will still be able to get their fix at the company’s licensed locations.

Braised Pork Belly in Honey-Tamarind Sauce

While watching these slabs of pork belly boiling in the pan, I envisioned it smothered in thick sauce. So an on-the-spot recipe was born at that instant. I proceeded to brown the pork belly then rushed to Google a recipe for a tamarind-based sauce. Inspired by the recipe I found, I made some twist by adding ingredients my eyes laid on in the fridge and in the cupboard. Not bad for an experimental recipe...

So here's my Braised Pork in Honey-Tamarind Sauce

  • 4 medium size pork belly slabs
  • 1/4 cup tamarind paste or concentrate
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 2 tablespoon Mirin
  • 1/4 cup tomato catsup
  • 2 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • Water
  • Salt and pepper to taste
 How to Cook Braised Pork in Honey-Tamarind Sauce 
  1. In a pan, brown each side of the pork belly.
  2. Combine all other ingredients in a food processor then blend until smooth. 
  3. Add water to the pork belly and bring to a boil then add the blended sauce.
  4. Simmer until desired softness of the pork belly and thickness of the sauce.
  5. Make flavor adjustments to suit your taste.
  6. Serve with rice.
When I made this recipe, I just threw in the ingredients without measuring them. I just tasted what I was cooking from time to time until I got my desired flavor. The measurement here are just guides for the recipe. You can also create your own twist by adding seasoning or ingredients that will enhance the flavor of the pork belly. Enjoy!


Kinilaw na Pasayan (Shrimps)

Kinilaw is the Philippine version of ceviche, a popular dish in the American continent especially in the Spanish areas of Central and South America. It is called differently but basically it still is teh same style of cooking as the Philippines was a former colony. While fish, is the most popular kinilaw, other seafood are made kinilaw as well like oysters and shrimps, among others

Here's a simple recipe for Shrimps Kinilaw

  • Shrimps
  • 1/2 kilo medium size shrimp, shelled and deveined
  • 1 thumb size ginger, finely chopped
  • 1/2 cup native vinegar (commercial coco or cane vinegar will do)
  • 1 medium size onion, sliced thin
  • 1 stem onion leeks, sliced
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 2 pcs (red and green) bellpeppers, sliced 
  • Salt
  • Ground black pepper
  • Sugar
  1. Wash shrimps thoroughly. 
  2. In a bowl, mix vinegar, ginger, onion and garlic. 
  3. Add shrimps, mix and set aside for 20 minutes or until the shrimps changes color to orange.
  4. Transfer to a serving dish and add bellpeppers and leeks.
  5. Add more vinegar and season with salt, pepper and sugar adjusting to your desired taste.
  6. Garnish and serve.
Another method of preparation is first to soak the shrimps in vinegar for around 30 minutes. While waiting combine all the other ingredients in a bowl (with another set of vinegar) and season it to your desired taste. When done, strain the shrimps from the other vinegar bowl and place it on the new vinegar bowl.


Eating dinner with the Queen? There are two rules you must follow

Eating dinner with the Queen? There are two rules you must follow

Even Harry and Meghan had to follow them at their wedding.

5 old-school snacks you completely forgot existed

5 old-school snacks you completely forgot existed

Even though you may not be able to find these products on grocery and candy store shelves any more, it doesn’t mean that they don’t still exist in our memories.

Monday, May 28, 2018

The one secret to ordering a perfectly cooked steak

The one secret to ordering a perfectly cooked steak

"Medium rare" doesn't mean the same thing it used to.

7 delicious foods you never thought to grill

7 delicious foods you never thought to grill

Forget cooking in the kitchen! Your grill is calling—and it's got more potential than you might guess.

{NEW!} Texas Sheet Cake, Grilled Pork Chops, Blueberry Margaritas, and MORE!

Latest recipes from Simply Recipes.

Happy Memorial Day! What are you making today?! Just in case you need some inspiration, here are some recipes from this past week that you might like! 


Emma, Managing Editor

P.S. Did you check out our YouTube channel last week?! 


Texas Sheet Cake

by Cindy Rahe

Texas Chocolate Sheet Cake

Have you ever had Texas Sheet Cake? It's made up of a thin layer of moist chocolate cake topped with a layer of warm, poured chocolate icing and sprinkled with pecans — an easy, unfussy cake to make for a crowd!


Citrus-Brined Grilled Pork Chops

by Nick Evans

Grilling Pork Chops

Boneless pork chops seem to be a popular grilling option during summer because they are always available and are easy to season and toss on a hot fire.

But they also tend to dry out quickly and are easy to overcook.

That's why I love this Citrus Brined Pork Chop recipe! The salty sweet brine keeps the pork chops really tender and moist, even if you do accidentally overcook them a few degrees.


Blueberry Pitcher Margaritas

by Garrett McCord

Margarita Recipe with Blueberries serve

I think we've all seen cocktails that get out of hand with creativity, and we’ve probably all encountered when a margarita gets a bit too crazy.

I’m thinking about margaritas made with wonky ingredients like bubblegum, fish sauce, or chocolate. I think the worst I ever saw was a dill-passionfruit flavored "margarita" where the tequila was swapped out for vodka.

Vodka! Can you imagine?!

9 Crowd-Pleasing Desserts for Your Memorial Day Party

by Carrie Havranek

Berry Tart

When it comes to warm weather desserts, there are a few very key considerations:

1. You don't want something that's going to get gooey or wilt in some way—it can be surprisingly warm on Memorial Day weekend!

2. You want something that's easily portable, so fancy things that are perishable, delicate or have elaborate toppings are probably out of the question, too.

3. All that, and it’s got to be delicious and eye-catching, too — right?!


Coconut Mint Chip Ice Cream

by Megan Gordon

Vegan Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

I have a soft spot in my heart for dairy-free ice cream—and not because I can't have dairy. My family and I eat our fair share of cheese, sour cream, and yes, real ice cream, too.

But I actually prefer ice cream made with coconut milk over ice cream made with eggs and dairy any day of the week. I love the flavor and natural sweetness of coconut milk, and think it really shines when made into ice cream.

If you've never made dairy-free ice cream before, you're in for a treat: it doesn't require much in the way of fancy ingredients.


Mario Batali’s Las Vegas Strip restaurants to close

Mario Batali’s Las Vegas Strip restaurants to close

The celebrity chef faces sexual misconduct allegations from multiple women.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Mom claims Albertsons cashier shamed woman using WIC benefits, not having enough money

Mom claims Albertsons cashier shamed woman using WIC benefits, not having enough money

The Facebook post about the alleged incident has gone viral.

Mom claims Albertsons cashier shamed woman using WIC coupons, not having enough money

Mom claims Albertsons cashier shamed woman using WIC coupons, not having enough money

The Facebook post about the alleged incident has gone viral.

Armed customer thwarts restaurant robbery

Armed customer thwarts restaurant robbery

A 60-year-old man was shot twice while attempting to rob a fast food restaurant in California.

90+ Easy Seafood Dinners That Make Weeknights Extra Special

+6 money-saving grocery store swaps you need to try. View in Browser These Chipotl...